Sunday, June 26, 2011

sunday Sunday SUNDAY!!!

Went to church this morning.  Mom actually asked me if I was going to go to church with them?  Y'all...  That is HUGE.  I didn't know it was an option?!?  Of course I was going!  I may not go all of the time when I'm by myself, but when I'm with family, it's the thing to do.  So I went.  And of course today the Deacon said the sermon and there was LOTS of weird, random singing by the lone guitar player with a really deep voice.  At the end, during the announcement section, the head KofC guy got up with an iPod, and said that for $24, the congregation could donate iPods with pre-loaded Catholic stuff to send to the troops.  Well, during his talk, the 16 year old sitting in front of us got up, genuflected to get on the altar, and said something to Father.  WTF?!  Father nodded, and he got in line behind the KofC guy.  Turns out this SIXTEEN YEAR OLD (he only looked 16; just proves how bad I am at guessing ages) just got back from active duty, and he talked about how much an iPod like this would have meant to him while he was in the field; Mom and I were BAWLING.  Mass ended and Mom tried to talk to him, but initially couldn't!  She finally was able to thank him for his service and tell him a little about Erich - I didn't even try to talk.

Left church and WENT TO WAFFLE HOUSE!!  Yay!!!  Walked in, and not a seat to be had.  No problem, we'll go to the other Waffle House!  Yay!!  Pulled in, not a PARKING SPACE to be had!!  We ended up next door at...Huddle House...  I felt like such a traitor.  The food was near to comparable, but the atmosphere was different.  Clean and open!  In some minds, that might not be a bad thing.  :)  Doesn't matter, since I've already made plans for Blaise and I to go to Waffle House on Thursday.  Just me and him.

After Huddle House, the folks dropped me off at Target while they went to get their haircut.  They had to wait awhile, so Mommer texted me to tell me when she was next in line.  No biggie, I said, I was trying on shoes.  She responded - and I quote - "Please buy big girl shoes!  Not teenager stuff!  Hahaha"  WTF?!?!  Just because she ended with 'Hahaha' doesn't make it all ok!!  So this is what I sent her back -

If you're reading this blog, then you probably know me, and if you know me, then you KNOW that there's no way that I could (or would) walk in these things!!  These are what I had really been trying on (and ended up getting)...

Came home from shopping, 'laid out' for 30 minutes (Joanna said it doesn't count if I'm putting 50 SPF on, which I am), and then Jo and the boys came over.  At first, I got suckered into playing Cop and Robbers with them (there was always only one cop and two robbers).  The parts that were the funniest were when Blaise first realized that - as robbers - Rowen and I were taking too long, so he pretended to sleep; when Rowen (in the cop role) was pretending to sleep but woke up while I was escaping, but he recognized that I was a statue when I froze; and while I was hiding in Mom and Dad's closet (which is the normal place for robbers to hide), I crouched JUST inside the door rather than hiding in the hanging clothes and scared Rowen when he came to investigate.  OMG that still makes me laugh!!!

After 100 rounds of Cop and Robbers, Joanna (bless her) suggested we play Scooby-Doo Sorry, and I jumped at that.  I lost (last place, I think), but I still jumped at it!!

You could only take your initial move if you hit a '6', so Rowen started doing this Zen chanting, meditation-thing to get his sixes.  It seemed to work for him, so Blaise and I tried it.  It didn't work for me.

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