Wednesday, August 15, 2012


That's one of my favorite Ke$ha songs - does anyone know it?  That's also the name of the seagull THAT I SAW THIS MORNING!!  It was SO COOL!  I got to the lobby around 5:50, and at 6:30 I'd decided that he wasn't showing up, and I might as well get on the road...AND HE SHOWED UP!!  It really was weird.

 See him in the parking lot?

 A little bit closer...

 A little bit closer...  I never did see him 'tap' on the door, but he didn't need to - lots of the hotel guests were regulars - construction guys - and they'd throw him something on the way out.  There were some crows in the parking lot, but he was the only seagull.

 When I left Duluth, the next stop on my GPS was West Glacier, MT, so I had no planned smashed penny or RoadsideAmerica stops for over 1000 miles!!  That means I had to make my own.  The problem is, once I pass something at 70 mph, I'm probably not going to turn around.  Like the saucy cow yesterday?  I don't know that I would have stopped for that if it hadn't been planned.  I mean, I would have noticed and appreciated it, but not gotten out to take a picture!  Anyway, here's my 1st find of the day - a HUGE chair in Minnesota!  (I was fussed at for not being more careful and detail oriented with my blog.  But - as it usually happens - I've left my maps and paperwork in the car and I am too tired to get them.  If anyone ever REALLY wanted to know some details, I'd tell them.)

 Check out this guy!  Again, just a random find...  What you don't see in the picture, is the restaurant attached to this guy's back end.  In Minnesota, called the Big Fish, I think.

 My big fat head is blocking the view of the door.  They weren't open, otherwise I would have gone in.

 Check out that bubble!  AND check out the sweatshirt!  When I left Duluth, it was 55.

 Me at a reststop in Minnesota.  (I've been told that if I had a smart phone, these pictures would have exact coordinates.  sigh)  Doesn't stand out too bad, but I only have one earring.  The other popped off when I took off the sweatshirt.  I found it outside of the car.

 Crookston, MN.  My friend Jeremy wanted me to take a picture of SOMETHING around a theater, and I thought this was it?  But nope...

 It was the 'Chocolate Rainbow'!!  Funny thing, as soon as I saw this, I KNEW I'd taken a picture of the wrong thing, because I figured Jeremy would think this was funnier than the train car.

 Restaurant Jeremy recommended.  (He and Chris went to school and met here, so I called them for suggestions.  Chris was no help.)  I had the grilled cheese and tomato soup combo.  The grilled cheese was a grilled cheese, but the tomato soup??

 The best I've ever had IN MY LIFE.  This picture is NOT appetizing at all, but those are tomato chunks in there.

 Visited the UMC campus to see where it all started (Chris and Jeremy)...

 Some of you might be wondering, "Why can't she take a picture of something WITHOUT being in it?!"  (shrug)  It's what I do.

 Also at the entrance to campus.  I thought it was a GRAVE, but it's just a memorial.  I was parked in a no-parking zone and security was coming, so I didn't try to get a better shot.


 I need to look this up.  How is ANYWHERE in North Dakota the geographical center of the...OOOHH...  I just read the sign.  I thought it said the "United States", NOT "North America"...  That makes a little more sense.

 My nails are NOT French manicured, they're just all chipped.  I am NOT going to buy a bottle of nail polish remover just for the trip.

 My fortune last night.  Of course my immediate response was, "Well, it is most enjoyable to talk with you, as well, Mr. Fortune Cookie!"

In a weird setup in Wolf Point, MT.  Going to sleep so I can get up early and get on the road!!

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