Stick a fork in me, I'm done. I'm ready to be home, back in my own bed. I'm probably missing tons of cool sites in my hurry to get back to Walla Walla. ...sigh...
I forgot to mention the 3 Waffle House employees who were SO NICE to me yesterday morning. I was somewhere in Ohio, looking for breakfast, and there it was - Waffle House. I figured it might be my last chance for the year, so I stopped. Got my usual, and while WH employees are usually pretty friendly, this crew was above and beyond. I told them so, too, but they probably thought I was crazy.
I bought my 33rd smashed penny of the trip this evening! I don't think I told you this, but smashed pennies at Niagra Falls are ONE DOLLAR and one cent. Hmph. Of course I got one anyway. My last one tonight was in front of a gift shop in Duluth. GPS said I wouldn't get there until 7:39, and then I hit construction, so I was just sure it'd be closed, but nope! Turns out it was in a schwanky shopping center where I had to PAY FOR PARKING, so this smashed penny cost me TWO DOLLARS and fifty-one cents! Since I'd paid for parking, I went ahead and ate dinner there, too - tofu and pineapple and vegetables.
I left all of my maps and paperwork in the car again, so I have no idea where these pictures were taken. (Today was the perfect day to put my top down, but it would have been too much work to clean up the car and secure all of the papers!)
This wasn't even a RoadsideAmerica stop! I just saw this guy and thought he was photo-worthy. Not long after I left the hotel, so still in the bottom half of Michigan.
Babe and Blue statues outside one of my smashed penny stops. They were all surrounded by barbed wire. You could get closer for a dollar. Um, no thank you?
RoadsideAmerica stop #33! They call it a Risque Cow, or something like that. Last stop in Michigan.
Random STUFFED BEAR in a convenience store! You can see me in the reflection better than you can see him.
RoadsideAmerica stop #34 - Concrete Figures. This was CRAZY! There were SO MANY of them!!

I liked how he used glass to decorate. (Their manes are drinking glasses.)
Ok, this guy is actually kind of creepy - he looks like Jason.
The plaque says that this is the 2nd Lincoln-Todd monument. Looks like I have to find the first...
Tonight I am in a Super 8 in Duluth, MN. Just saying that makes me want to barf, but it (this Super 8) is also a RoadsideAmerica stop!! They supposedly have a bird that taps on the glass door every morning for bits of the continental breakfast. They call him Steven Sea...gull - GROAN!! I was going to test the check-in clerk before booking a room, but I didn't have to - they have a little shrine for him set up at the front counter. I need to take a shower and get to bed so I can be down there waiting for him at 6am.
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